2011 Bench Bar Dinner Dance 70th Anniversary Awards and Special Recognition
By Megan E. Kelly, 2011 President
Our 70th birthday party was truly one to remember! As part of celebrating our 70th anniversary we looked back to our beginnings. There were a number of historical displays at the dinner dance that showcased our original constitution, highlighted the locations of the founding member’s offices back in 1941 and captured snapshots of events in the 1950’s and 60’s. We are grateful for the contributions from Ed McGolrick and the late William May which comprise a large part of these earliest artifacts. Thank you also to Bill Stephens, Bud Latimer, Alison Dixon and Sharon Pandak, for providing additional photos, newspaper clippings and memorabilia which provided a view of events and people in the 1970’s and early 80’s.
The evening was filled with awards and special recognition. Highlights included: our recognition of Amy Ashworth for her service and leadership as the Association’s past president for 2010; Jane Smith and Barbara Stough’s presentation of the 2011 VWAA Justicia Award to Sherri Quinn, Court Advocacy Coordinator for ACTS/Turning Points; Judge Bailey’s presentation of the Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court, Court Appointed Attorney of the Year Award to Carlos Flores-Laboy; Judge DePolo’s presentation of the Guardian ad Litem of the Year Award to Lori V. Battistoni; Judge Travers’ presentation of the General District Court, Court Appointed Attorney of the Year Award to C. Shawn Allen; Judge Farris’ presentation of the Circuit Court, Court Appointed Attorney of the Year Award to Jennifer B. Zary; and Arthur von Keller’s presentation of the 2011 Pro Bono Service Award to Mark R. Voss.
Following these awards, Judge Farris presented the Arthur W. Sinclair Professionalism Award, the PWC Bar Association’s highest honor, to Dennis R. Carluzzo, who was visibly moved. Did you all know that Dennis played basketball for the Villanova Wildcats back in the day?
We were also honored to have the Chairman of the Prince William Board of County Supervisors, Corey Stewart, join us and present the Bar Association with a Commendation in recognition of our 70th anniversary. Among other things, the Commendation noted the Bar Association’s many contributions to the community over the years. The Commendation will be housed in the Bar Association office in the Courthouse if you are interested in taking a look.
At the conclusion of the evening’s program, in recognition of our 70th anniversary and our newly formed Past President’s Council, I invited all past presidents attending the Dinner Dance to join me in the front and be recognized. It was quite a group, quite a photo, and is a reminder to us all of our rich and diverse history.