Community Service – Beat the Odds® Program Scholarships and Awards
The Prince William County Bar Association sponsors the annual Beat the Odds ® banquet and awards ceremony each spring. This program, which is modeled on the Children's Defense Fund's national program, seeks to recognize area youth who, have come in contact with the Prince William County juvenile justice system and have achieved academic and social progress in spite of tremendous odds against them. The local BTO program was first sponsored by the Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Courts in 1999 and now finds a permanent organizational home with the PWC Bar.
Each year, with financial support from the Prince William County Bar Foundation, $40,000.00 in scholarships and awards are presented to deserving youth, affirming their achievements in the face of adversity and encouraging other youth in similar circumstances to strive to succeed.
Students are nominated to receive a BTO scholarship or award by guidance counselors, probation officers, case workers and other juvenile authorities who work daily with at-risk youth. Each award recipient came in contact with the juvenile justice system; some due to abuse, neglect, substance abuse or mental health issues, and others because of acts of juvenile delinquency or truancy.
All of the award recipients have overcome much of the adversity that contributed to their initial need for intervention by the juvenile authorities.
The scholarships and awards are presented at a banquet each year which provides a wonderful opportunity for the community to show its admiration of and support for these outstanding youth.