Awards of Merit
The Awards of Merit competition is held annually by the Virginia State Bar’s Conference of Local Bar Associations, to recognize outstanding projects conducted by local and specialty bar associations of all sizes, to encourage greater service to the public and the profession, and to give local and specialty bar leaders the opportunity to learn from the programs of other bars of similar size. The Prince William County Bar Association has been honored to receive numerous Awards of Merit, and Certificates of Achievement, (a lesser, but noteworthy honor), over the years. The Awards are on display in the Bar Association Office, and are listed below:
- 2017-2018 — Award of Merit Enhanced & Expanded Community Service Programming A concerted effort to highlight and increase our impact in the community
- 2016-2017 —Award of Merit The Loving Story Documentary A multi-bar project featuring the viewing of a documentary about the Supreme Court Case that struck down laws against interracial marriage
- 2015-2016 — Award of Merit Wills for Veterans Program A will drafting program for Veterans
- 2015-2016 — Certificate of Achievement Access to Justice Summit A program to highlight and encourage support of Pro bono programs
- 2013-2014 — Award of Merit Library Learning Series monthly law related public education programs at the public library
- 2013-2014 — Certificate of Achievement “Appearing in Court without a Lawyer: A Guide for Pro Se Litigants” public education brochure distributed through the General District and Circuit Courts
- 2013-2014 — Certificate of Achievement “What You Need to Know about Prince William County Juvenile Court” public education brochure distributed through the Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court and Juvenile Intake Offices
- 2012-2013 — Certificate of Achievement Breakfast at S.E.R.V.E. Program preparing and serving breakfast at the local homeless shelter on the last Sunday of every month
- 2011-2012 — Award of Merit “So You’re 18” Sustained Project An educational program for high school seniors conducted for 13 consecutive years
- 2011-2012 — Award of Merit Holly Acres Pro Bono Project Providing Legal assistance for flood victims
- 2011-2012 — Certificate of Achievement Books for Troubled Teens Providing lending libraries in juvenile shelters
- 2011-2012 — Certificate of Achievement Historic Preservation Project Collecting the history of the PWCBA and the impact of lawyers on the local community
- 2010-2011 — Award of Merit Introduction to Practicing Law in the Prince William County Courthouse A CLE/mentoring/recruitment program
- 2009-2010 — Certificate of Achievement Wills for Heroes A will drafting program for first responders
- 2009-2010 — Certificate of Achievement Arthur Meets the President An elementary school reading program
- 2008-2009 — Award of Merit NOVA Bar Directory A combined membership directory for the four Northern Virginia Local Bar Associations
- 2008-2009 — Certificate of Achievement Hanging Out a Shingle Program A CLE program for starting a law practice
- 2008-2009 — Certificate of Achievement Modest Means Program A low cost legal services program
- 2007-2008 — Award of Merit Middle School Court Tours Project A court tour/mock trial project for area middle school students
- 2006-2007 — Award of Merit Circuit Court Conciliators Program Alternative dispute resolution of civil discovery disputes
- 2006-2007 — Certificate of Achievement Senior Citizen’s Project An education program for senior citizens
- 2005-2006 — Award of Merit Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court Conciliators Program Alternative dispute resolution of contested issues
- 2004-2005 — Award of Merit General District Court Comparative Jurisdiction Seminar A multi-jurisdictional CLE focused on GDC Court procedures in Arlington, Alexandria, Fairfax and Prince William Counties
- 2003-2004 — Award of Merit “Guardian ad litem for Children” Public Education Brochure An educational brochure about the role of a Guardian ad litem
- 2003-2004 — Award of Merit Circuit Court and General District Court Time Savers Manuals General civil and criminal procedure guidelines for attorneys appearing in Prince William Courts
- 2002-2003 — Award of Merit New Website Website that featured searchable indexes to facilitate public access to an attorney
- 2002-2003 — Certificate of Achievement Beat the Odds Program and Award Celebration A scholarship program for at risk youth
- 2002-2003 — Certificate of Achievement Legislative Issues Forum A program to foster educational, non-partisan discussion of Virginia legislative issues
- 2001-2002 — Award of Merit “You and Your Court Appointed Attorney” Public Education Brochure An educational brochure about working with court appointed attorneys
- 2001-2001 — Award of Merit Uncontested Divorce Project A program to provide pro bono uncontested divorces to qualified individuals
- 2000-2001 — Certificate of Achievement Pro bono Reception A program to recognize and affirm the pro bono efforts of members of the PWCBA
- 1999-2000 — Certificate of Achievement “So You’re 18” Law Day 2000 An educational program for high school seniors
- 1994-1995 — Award of Merit Mock Trial A mock criminal trial for high school students