2024 Committee Descriptions and Chairs
Committee chair’s terms are for one year, except where otherwise noted. Committee chairs and committee members are appointed by the president of the Bar each year, except where otherwise noted.
Budget & Audit Committee
Joe Thelin, joe@vktlawfirm.com
The Budget and Audit Committee of the Prince William County Bar Association was formed to provide oversight of the financial and accounting transactions undertaken by the Association each year. An internal audit is performed by the Chair of the B&A Committee and the President-Elect each year (but must be a new Board member), by reviewing a detailed profit and loss statement. Since 2004, the Executive Director has drafted the Bar’s budget and presented it to the Budget Committee for review and discussion. The Budget Committee is comprised of the Immediate Past President, the President, the President-Elect, the Chair of the B&A Committee, the Treasurer, and the Executive Director.
Community Outreach/Public Relations Committee
The Community Outreach/Public Relations Committee was created to develop, organize, and implement law-related public relations projects to heighten community awareness of and appreciation for the legal profession. The Committee works with the Bar, the media, and with other organizations to effectively communicate the good works of the Association.
Continuing Legal Education Committee
Cathy Carre, ccarre@vadefenders.gov
Mike Windsor, MAW@comptonduling.com
Grace Lempp, Glempp@Vadefenders.org
The Prince William County Bar Association has met the requirements, as set forth by the MCLE board of the Virginia State Bar, to be an accredited CLE sponsor. The CLE chairs are the official contact within the Bar for the MCLE board, the courts and the PWC Sheriff's Office and works to develop and present new CLEs of interest to the membership, which highlight local legal talent, and feature guest speakers as appropriate.
Criminal Law Committee
Erin Ford, Ford@fordlaw.org
Shalev Ben-Avraham, sben-avraham@vadefenders.gov Matthew Sweet, MSweet@pwcgov.org
The Criminal Law Committee serves to facilitate the exchange of information between members of the Bar who are criminal law practitioners, (prosecution and defense oriented), and the Bench, specifically with respect to policies, procedures and legislative initiatives which affect criminal law. It is also the duty of the Committee to promote and facilitate educational opportunities for criminal law practitioners including, but not limited to, the presentation of continuing legal education seminars.
Entertainment Committee
Rebecca Thacher, rebecca@theirvinglawfirm.com
Nicole Naum, Nicole@battlefieldlawgroup.com
The Entertainment Committee of the Bar is responsible for coordinating all the Bar’s social functions, the largest of which is usually the Bench Bar Dinner Dance. The committee is also responsible for planning and implementing the receptions that typically follow ceremonies such as judicial investitures, retirements, (now held in conjunction with the dinner dance), and judicial portraits. Other activities that the committee has in the past coordinated include summer picnics, horseback riding events, and trips to Camden Yards to see the Orioles.
Family Law Committee
Nick Erickson, NCE@comptonduling.com
Andrew Taylor, ATaylor@nzslaw.com
The Family Law Committee serves to facilitate the exchange of information between members of the Bar who are family law practitioners, and the Bench, specifically with respect to policies, procedures and legislative initiatives which affect family law. It is also the duty of the Committee to promote and facilitate educational opportunities for family law practitioners including, but not limited to, the presentation of continuing legal education seminars.
Fundraising Committee
Grace Lempp, GLempp@vadefenders.org
Stephen Lofaso, Slofaso@vfnlaw.com
The purpose of the Fundraising Committee is to develop fundraisers to benefit the PWC Bar Foundation. Fundraisers can fall under the organizational umbrella of the PWCBF or the PWCBA, and that designation should be established early in the process. This Committee Chair should stay connected with both organizations to make sure that fundraisers are spread throughout the year to avoid tapping the same group of donors repeatedly in a short timeframe and to ensure sufficient lead time to organize and promote events to ensure their success. This Committee can also help find new leadership for successful fundraisers when necessary.
Guardian ad Litem Committee
Lindsey Keeler, LKeeler@lsnv.org
Whitney Bolton, wbolton@farrellandcroft.com
The goal of the Guardian ad Litem committee is to foster relationships, provide mentoring and encourage learning among all certified GALs in Prince William County. All attorneys who are currently qualified to serve as GALs for either adults or children, as well as any other attorney interested in GAL work, are welcome to join.
Immigration Law Committee
Lisa Shea, Lisa@immigrantsfirst.com
The Immigration Law Committee serves to facilitate the exchange of information between members of the Bar who are immigration law practitioners, and the Bench, specifically with respect to policies, procedures and legislative initiatives which affect immigration law. It is also the duty of the Committee to promote and facilitate educational opportunities for immigration law practitioners including, but not limited to, the presentation of continuing legal education seminars.
Judicial Evaluation Committee
Joe Thelin, joe@vktlawfirm.com 2022-2025
Chairperson of the Judicial Evaluation Committee is elected by the Bar for a five-year term.
The Committee shall develop a procedure for judicial evaluation for the judges of the Circuit Court, General District Court and Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court of the 31st District. The procedure shall be subject to the review and approval of the Board of Directors as to methods and standards; however, the results of evaluations shall not be divulged to the Board. Results will be divulged to the judges each year they are evaluated and to the members of the local legislative delegation only in the year when a judge is being considered for reappointment.
Members of the Judicial Evaluation Committee are appointed by the Executive Board of the Bar for staggered three-year terms: Tasneen Ahmed, 2021-2024, Kimberly Lucky, 2021-2024, Nicole Naum, 2022-2025, Milt Johns 2022-2025
Judicial Liaison Committee
Mark Branca, Mark@theirvinglawfirm.com
The Judicial Liaison Committee serves as a liaison between the members of the Bar Association and the other users of the Courts, including but not limited to the judges, Clerk’s offices, Sheriff’s Department, and Adult Detention Center, with the goal of facilitating the administration of justice within the Thirty-First Judicial Circuit. The Committee seeks to encourage informal interaction among all Court users, including arranging for periodic “Breakfast with the Judges” Events, which provide an opportunity for members to mingle with the judges and those who oversee critical support services to the courts and those who practice here. Finally, the Committee has offered itself to problem solve, mediate, or otherwise work through issues that are raised to it by any users of the Court.
Judicial Screening Committee
Sarah Knapp 2020-2025, sknapp@shoun.com
Andrew Pruitt 2021-2026, Apruitt@legacyelderlaw.com
Azadeh Malek-completing Lori Battistoni’s term 2020-2025, Amalek@crslegal.net
Milt Johns 2022-2027, mjohns@xlppllc.com
Nicole Naum, 2023-2028; Nicole@battlefieldlaw.com
Shawn Stout, 2021-2026, sstout@vadefenders.org
Committee members are elected by the membership of the bar for staggered five-year terms.
The duties of the Judicial Screening Committee are 1) to solicit nominations from Association members for Judgeships when an opening exists or is anticipated; 2) to interview and review the qualifications of those individuals seeking the position and rank the candidates as “qualified” or “not qualified”; 3) to notify the membership of the Association of the “qualified” candidates and provide information regarding them; and 4) to administer the nomination and voting process as outlined in the Bylaws of the Association, which will result in the designation of an endorsed candidate, a first alternate and a second alternate. The results of this process will be forwarded to the members of the General Assembly delegation and other appropriate persons as outlined in the Bylaws of the Association. The other proceedings of the Committee are confidential.
Law Office Management Committee
John Irving, john@theirvinglawfirm.com
The American Bar Association describes Law Practice Management as resources and insights to help lawyers maintain productive, diverse, and inclusive law practices, and strengthen relationships with clients.
Legislative Affairs Committee
John Foote, jfoote@thelandlawyers.com
The Legislative Affairs committee periodically reviews legislation filed that could affect the legal profession in general, and Prince William County in particular. The committee will inform the membership as needed of issues of potential interest so they may contact their representatives on an individual basis should they so choose.
Legislative Liaison Committee
Brad Marshall, Bmarshall@vfnlaw.com
Jason Hickman, jeh@comptonduling.com
Tracey Lenox, TLenox@vadefenders.org
The Legislative Liaison Committee serves as a liaison between members of the Prince William Bar Association, via the Bar Association Board, and members of various legislative bodies. The Committee will endeavor to problem solve, mediate, or otherwise work through issues that are raised to it by legal system stakeholders. The role of a liaison co-chairs is to facilitate communication and collaboration between legislative bodies, departments, or
organizations. The responsibilities of the Legislative Liaison(s) may include, attending meetings and reporting regularly or as requested to the Board about legislation and legislative issues, facilitating or acting as a resource for local discussions of legislation and proposed legislation. The Committee co-chairs, in their discretion and by a majority vote, may form and dissolve ad hoc committees and may add or remove members to the ad hoc sub committees, as needed for specific issues
Library Committee
Penny Whitney, PWhitney@pwcgov.org
The Library Committee collaborates with the Librarian and the Court to maintain a working Library that is available to both Court personnel and the public, particularly attorneys. Support for the Library comes from an assessed fee out of which the Library budget is paid, with the excess going into an escrow fund for future library projects. Within these financial parameters and regulatory limits, it is also the task of the Library Committee to both improve the Library and enlarge the escrow fund for future projects. The Library Committee currently meets quarterly at the Courthouse and at such other times as may be necessary.
Membership and Mentoring Committee
Kevin Leahy, Kleahy@pwcgov.org
Azadeh Malek, Amalek@crslegal.net
Committee members must include the current president elect and one judicial representative from each court.
The Membership and Mentoring Committee of the Prince William County Bar Association developed and implemented the Mentor Program in 2002 in response to the growth in size and diversity of our Bar. The Mentor Program aims to (i) preserve and promote the customs, courtesies, professionalism and personal relationships our Bar has enjoyed over the years; (ii) preserve these practices in order to deliver more efficient and less costly legal services to our clients, while making the practice of law more pleasant and satisfying for Bar members; (iii) instill in Bar members, regardless of age or experience, an appreciation and sensitivity to ethical practices and considerations that are essential to the practice of law; (iv) provide new attorneys ready access to ideas and wisdom about marketing, networking, career advancement, professional etiquette or other matters, which do not substantively concern the practice of law; and (v) create a support network and foster a sense of belonging such that new Bar members will feel they are part of an association that is willing to provide assistance and guidance during the early years of their law practice in our community.
Nominating Committee
Amy Tobias, amy@tobiasiszard.com
Olaun Simmons, osimmons@vfnlaw.com
The Nominating committee coordinates the nomination and election of the Officers, Directors, and members of the Judicial Screening Committee. The process usually begins in Fall with annual elections held during the January Annual Meeting. In addition, the committee coordinates the election for any vacancies created during a term in office.
Para-Professional Committee
Jaclyn Doherty, Jdoherty@vfnlaw.com
Chevonne Shartzer, Cshartzer@vadefenders.org
The Para-Professional Committee of the Bar is dedicated to fostering a thriving environment for our legal support community. This includes volunteer initiatives, networking events, and providing continuing legal education opportunities. The Para-Professional Committee of the Bar is deeply committed to cultivating a vibrant and supportive environment for our legal support community. This commitment extends to spearheading volunteer initiatives that contribute to the welfare of our members and the community at-large. Additionally, the committee plays a pivotal role in orchestrating networking events, creating valuable connections among legal support professionals. Furthermore, our commitment extends to ensuring continuous professional growth through the provision of diverse and enriching continuing legal education opportunities. Through these efforts, the committee aims to enhance collaboration, professional growth, and the overall well-being of our legal support professionals.
Pro Bono/Community Service Committee
Jonathan Francis, JFrancis@lsnv.org
The Pro Bono/Community Service Committee develops and administers a variety of pro bono initiatives for the Bar. Many of these programs involve collaborative efforts with the Prince William Branch of Legal Services of Northern Virginia, and ACTs/Turning Points, the local domestic violence shelter. These programs include the Uncontested Divorce Project; The Domestic Violence Project; The Landlord Tenant Project, The Wills for Heroes Project; and the Modest Means Panel, a program designed to provide legal representation to clients for a reduced fee, based on prior qualification. The committee also administers the Books for Troubled Teens program and the Library Learning Series.
The committee is also responsible for organizing the presentation of the Bar’s Pro bono award when a recipient is deemed worthy.
Professionalism Committee
William Stephens, bill@manassaslaw.com
Sharon Pandak, spandak@gtpslaw.com
The professionalism committee deals with areas of ethics and collegial relations among bar members. The committee is also responsible for convening the sub-committee that organizes the presentation of the Bar’s Arthur Sinclair Professionalism award when a recipient is deemed worthy.
Raising the Bar Committee
Felisha Hardy, Felisha.t.hardy@fthlaw.com
The Raising the Bar Committee seeks to ensure equal access to and equal treatment of users of the courts.
Young Lawyers
Taylor Saunders, Taylor@theirvinglawfirm.com
Erin Gallagher, EGallagher@pwcgov.org
Ryan Reynolds, RReynolds@pwcgov.org
The Young Lawyers Committee serves as a resource for new members to become rooted in the legal profession, develop leadership skills and serve the community. The committee is open to all members of the PWCBA and strives to appeal to the "young and young at heart." Current initiatives include hosting regular networking events at local community businesses, organizing community service projects and research into utilizing technology in practice. This is the perfect place for new and young lawyers to start to get involved in the association.