Prince William County Bar Foundation, Inc.
The Prince William County Bar Foundation, Inc., is a non-profit, 501(c) 3 corporation established in 2000. The Foundation is operated by local attorneys, members of the bench and community leaders for the purpose of funding law-related education and service projects in the 31st Judicial Circuit. The Foundation raises funds through generous contributions from the Prince William County legal community, other non-profit, government, corporate, and private donors. Because the Foundation is operated solely by volunteers who donate their time and resources, it has minimal overhead costs allowing nearly 99% of all funds raised to be used directly for the programs supported by the Foundation.
Most of the programs receiving financial support from the Foundation focus on youth in the community and provide assistance, guidance and education to encourage area youth to make good choices and avoid entanglements with the justice system. These programs include:
- The Beat the Odds® Banquet and Awards Ceremony
- “So You’re 18”
- Character Counts! Essay Contest
- Court Tours
- National Young Readers Day
The Foundation also disburses funds in support of non-Bar related activities that meet the Foundation's purposes such as:
- National Adoption Day
- “MAC" - Make a Change Gang Tattoo Removal Program
To find out more about the PWC Bar Foundation visit them at: www.pwcbf.org