PWCBA Manassas, Virginia

Legal Professionals Dedicated to Our Community

Fellowship, mentoring and leadership

The Prince WIlliam County Bar Association was established on July 25, 1941, by the seven attorneys that comprised the total of this area's legal community at that time.

Though the membership has grown to 500 attorneys and members of the judiciary, the mission of the organization remains the same: to maintain the honor and dignity of the practice of law, promote the administration of justice, encourage the professionalism and collegiality of its members, and contribute to the quality of life in the community.

PWC Bar Association Job Board Launch

The Prince William County Bar Association is excited to announce its new job board. This job board is specifically aimed towards bringing new attorneys, law clerks, and paralegals to Prince William County and give the same legal professionals who live in the county but work elsewhere a single location to find a job with a shorter commute.

Upcoming Events

We hope you will join us!

  • Thursday, June 27th, 2-4 PM, PWC Judicial Center, Circuit Court Room #4, Judges Horan, Irving and O'Brien, Masterclass Series CLE Handling Indigent Appeals in the Court of Appeals 
  • Thursday, July 4th, CLOSED FOR HOLIDAY
  • Friday, July 5th, CLOSED FOR HOLIDAY 
  • Thursday, July 18th, 5 PM, Young Lawyer's Whiskey and Wisdom Event with Judge Jarvis, Monza Restaurant, Manassas, VA 
  • Tuesday, July 30th, 12 PM, J&DR Court Bar Bench Meeting, J&DR Training Room, PWC Judicial Center, Manassas, VA 
  • Wednesday, July 31st, 3:30 PM, GDC Bar Bench Meeting, Location TBD
  • Friday, August 16th, 4 PM -5PM, Investiture of the Honorable Kiah D. Spinks, PWC Judicial Center, Manassas, VA 
  • Friday, August 16th, 4:30 PM, Young Lawyer's and PWC Sheriff's Dept. Fundraiser Event, Old Town Sports Pub, Manassas, VA 
  • Monday, Sept. 2nd, CLOSED FOR HOLIDAY 
  • Wednesday, Sept. 11th, CLOSED FOR HOLIDAY 

Look for more CLEs, socials, and opportunities for member engagement soon!

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PWCBA Job Board


Photos of PWCBA Members and activities around Manassas, Virginia 2021 and 2022